I have always hated my arms
I have always hated my arms. In fact, as a baby I had super chubby arms. I’m not exaggerating. The kind with rolls on them- like the Pillsbury dough boy. For real.
My mom said people used to “comment” on the 9 rolls on my arms (yes there were 9 of them). She told me that people used to stop her on the street and say “that’s a big bruiser of a boy you got there!”
It never mattered that I had a pink bow in my hair (true story- you can ask her if she hasn’t already told you or you can look at the pictures below.
Hating my arms was never-ending.
When I was in the best shape of my life I still hated my arms.
When I was in the worst shape of my life- I hated my arms.
In a tank top – I hated my arms.
In a strapless dress… I hated my arms.
In ANYTHING no matter what… I hated my arms.
It could be 110 degrees outside and I would likely still have had something covering my arms.
You could have told me that you loved my arms and it wouldn’t have mattered.
I hated them.
You know what the funny thing is? You likely have not ever noticed my arms.
You see- WE hyper focus on ridiculous things about US that no one else notices! Everyone does it.
We focus on something ridiculous that no one else notices.
I decided a while back that I would LOVE my arms. Not because they would CHANGE or all of a sudden be totally different but because there is GRATITUDE in what my arms do daily for me. That list is so long.
Focus on what we LOVE not what we hate and everything starts to shift.
xo Natalie Jill
Outfit- COSMIC PRINT from my limited edition collection HERE