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Message Templates and Love SMS

As we have accustomed you here are for you new messages and SMS of love to put a little more poetry and originality in your life of couple.
Message Templates and Love SMS
Choose from these love messages the most beautiful love message to send for your soul mate.

Love SMS 01: A sincere love …
My love for you is a sincere love. It is deeper than the ocean, higher than the sky, larger than the universe, more beautiful than a flower but above all it is harder than steel. I love you.
Love SMS 02: I’m good with you …
My love, with you is happiness, you have brought out the best of me, I feel good when I am with you, I love you my heart.
SMS of love 03: T’aimer c’est naturel …
To love you for me is natural as the air I breathe, I can not stop because it is indispensable to my survival.
Love SMS 04: You are the light of my life …
The love that I carry in my heart is like a shining star, you illuminate my life with your smile and your joy of living. I love you.
Love SMS 05: If I could …
If I could, I will offer you all the stars in the universe to prove how much I love you.
SMS of love 06: You are the key to my heart …
A small key can open a big castle, a small word can express a great thought and your smile makes me live the biggest and the most beautiful of dreams.
Love SMS 07: In the depths of my heart …
There is in my heart a secret place where I keep the most precious memories and feelings and that is where I keep my feelings for you and the memories of the moments spent with you my love.
Love SMS 08: The most beautiful day of my life …
One day, our eyes met. It was the happiest day of my life, and ever since that day our love has grown. To be with you is only happiness and there are no words strong enough to tell you how much I love you! 
Love SMS 09: Our paths crossed …
Our paths crossed, our eyes hung, your beautiful smile became my sun and your tenderness my oxygen. I offer you my love forever.
SMS love 10: You filled me with love .. .
My love, you fill me with your presence. You have helped me to overcome the difficulties of life, I declare to you all my love, I love you to madness.